Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): June 2022 Edition
This edition is volume 1 issue 1 and is the first edition following the e-ISSN and p-ISSN decrees which are volume 1 issue 1 in June 2022. Volume 1 issue 1 is the first edition of the IJETZ journal which is available online and in print, namely since June 17, 2022, for the regular edition Vol 1 Issue 1 (June 2022). All articles in this edition (8 original research articles) were written/co-authored by 19 authors from 1 country (Indonesia) with various affiliations.
Investigation of Student Satisfaction with the Implementation of Learning Models in the Midst of a Pandemic Condition
Investigating the Role of Youtube in the World of Education During a Pandemic
Improving Student Learning Outcomes With Educational Game-Based Interactive Learning Media
Investigating the Use of Phet Simulation as a Substitute for Practical Tools in Understanding the Concept of Static Electricity
Analysis of Students' Concession Understanding Ability in Solving Physics Concepts
The Analysis of Barriers to the Use of Physics Practicum Applications
Implementation of Blended Learning for Class IX Science Learning after the Covid-19 Pandemic
The Mastery of Teacher Emotional Intelligence Facing 21st Century Learning