About the Journal

Title     : International Journal of Education and Teaching Zone
Initial : IJETZ
Journal Abbreviation : Int. J. educ. Teach. Zone
Publication Frequency : 4 Monthly / 3 Issues Per Year (February, June and October)
: prefix 10.57092 By Crossref-Logo-Stacked-RGB-SMALL
OAI : https://jurnal.yayasannurulyakin.sch.id/index.php/ijetz/oai
Electronics ISSN : 2830-7925
Print ISSN : 2963-7899
Editor in Chief : Fauzan Sulman, S.Pd., M.Pd
Publisher : Yayasan Nurul Yakin Bunga Tanjung
Cite Analysis : Google Scholar and Dimensions
Abstracting and Indexing : DOAJ, EBSCO, GARUDA, Google Scholar, Dimensions, Crossref, BASE, WorldCat,
    Moraref, Indonesia Onesearch, OpenAire


The International Journal of Education and Teaching Zone is a double-blind, peer-reviewed, open-access journal in the Education and Teaching Zone. This journal is initiated as IJETZ. The IJETZ journal provides an academic forum for researchers interested in discussing current and future educational and teaching issues. Experts will review all articles before they are accepted for publication. The IJETZ journal is open to authors worldwide, regardless of nationality. The IJETZ journal is published annually in February, June, and October. The Nurul Yakin Bunga Tanjung Foundation, Indonesia, publishes the IJETZ journal. The Nurul Yakin Bunga Tanjung Foundation was established in 2014 based on the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number AHU-09615.50.10.2014 concerning the Ratification of the Establishment of a Legal Entity, the Nurul Yakin Bunga Tanjung Foundation. The International Journal of Education and Teaching Zone (IJETZ) has obtained an Electronic ISSN number (e-ISSN: 2830-7925) and a Print ISSN number (p-ISSN: 2963-7899) which is valid for the first published volume, starting from Volume 1 Number 1 June 2022 published by the Center for Scientific Data and Documentation, Indonesian Academy of Sciences (LIPI), with SK e-ISSN number 0005.28307925/K.4/SK.ISSN/2022.07 and SK p-ISSN 0005.29637899/K.4/SK.ISSN /2022.09. The number of publications recognized by the IJETZ journal based on the ISSN received is 3 times in 1 year, namely in February, June and October. Due to the recognition of Volume 1 Issue 1 in June 2022, publication was carried out following the publication frequency based on the ISSN received, which is 4 Monthly which started in June 2022 so that published articles have been running consistently until now.


The International Journal of Education Teaching and Zone (IJETZ), makes decisions on the number of articles published. At the beginning of the issue, namely June 2022, the IJETZ journal published 8 articles, namely in volume 1 issue 1, then because there was a lot of interest and the number of articles submitted to publish articles in the IJETZ Journal and they were very enthusiastic, therefore we took various considerations, one of which was To improve the quality and enthusiasm for writing scientific papers, we decided to start with volume 1 issue 2, the IJETZ journal will accept 16 articles for each issue. Considering the increasing credibility of the journal and the professionalism of journal management, we, the journal managers, have determined the number of articles published in 2024. The number of articles to be published starting from Volume 3 Issue 1 is a maximum of 10 articles for each issue.


The International Journal of Education and Teaching Zone (IJETZ) is a journal with a double-blind peer-review system and open access to education and training for lecturers, teachers and educational practitioners. This journal focuses on discussing education and teaching problems in all parts of the world, especially in the world of education with outermost and disadvantaged communities. The IJETZ Journal provides the opportunity to receive articles related to education and teaching from research results ranging from preparatory, primary school, university, or non-school education levels. The scope of the IJETZ Journal includes Mathematics and Science Education, Social Sciences Education, Physical and Health Education, Language Education, Early Childhood Education, Education for Children with Special Needs, Guidance and Counseling Education, and other educational fields in the world.


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