In-depth Analysis of The Learning Process in Schools: Reviewing The Quality of Students' Actual Mastery of Concepts on Temperature and Heat Material


  • Ayu Sofna UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi
  • Rizki Zakwandi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Desy Purwasih Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta



Learning Process, Mastery of Concepts, Quality of Student


This research aims to determine students' mastery of concepts regarding temperature and heat in the learning process. Researchers used a quantitative approach with a Quasi-Experimental method in this research. This research was conducted at SMK Negeri 09 Muaro Jambi. The population in this study was all class X at SMK Negeri 09 Muaro Jambi. Sampling used a purposive sampling technique with consideration of teachers who taught in the same class, namely class X TBSM 1 and X TBSM 2, totalling 24 and 26 students. Data was obtained by giving a concept mastery test in 5 essay questions. After being given the test, the data was analyzed, and the results showed that students' mastery of concepts in temperature and heat material was in a low category. This is proven in question number 1, where as many as 60% of students answered with a value of 0; in question number 2, as many as 80% of students responded with a value of 1; in question number 3, as many as 72% of students answered with a value of 1, question number 4 as many as 62% of students answered with a value one, and for question number 5, 52% of students responded with a score of 0. Indikator that more than 50% of students' concept mastery abilities could be higher.


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How to Cite

Sofna, A., Zakwandi, R. ., & Purwasih, D. (2024). In-depth Analysis of The Learning Process in Schools: Reviewing The Quality of Students’ Actual Mastery of Concepts on Temperature and Heat Material. International Journal of Education and Teaching Zone, 3(1), 82–93.